Saturday, 27.07.2024 03:42 Minsk  Transfer to health resorts, recreation centers, hotels, city of Belarus
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    Border, customs, border crossings

    1. The list of the customs clearance points and the checkpoints across the state border of the Republic of Belarus
    2. The rules of crossing state border of Republic of Belarus
    3. Transfer from the border crossing station Oltush - Pisha
    4. Transfer from the border crossing station Aleksandrovka - Vilcha
    5. Transfer from the border crossing station Benyakoni - Shalchininkai
    6. Transfer from the border crossing station Berestovitsa - Bobrowniki
    7. Transfer from the border crossing station Brest - Terespol
    8. Transfer from the border crossing station Bruzgi - Kuznica Bialostocka border customs
    9. Transfer from the border crossing station Divin - Samary
    10. Transfer from the border crossing station Domachevo - Slovatichi
    11. Transfer from the border crossing station Glushkevichi - Majdan Kopishanskij
    12. Transfer from the border crossing station Grigorovshchina - Paternieki
    13. Transfer from the border crossing station Kamennyi Log - Medininkai
    14. Transfer from the border crossing station Komarin - Slavutych
    15. Transfer from the border crossing station Kotlovka - Lavorishkes
    16. Transfer from the border crossing station Kozlovichi - Kukuryki
    17. Transfer from the border crossing station Mohro - Dolsk
    18. Transfer from the border crossing station Mokrany - Domanove
    19. Transfer from the border crossing station Nevel - Prikladniki
    20. Transfer from the border crossing station Novaya Guta - Novi Yarylovychi
    21. Transfer from the border crossing station Novaya Rudnya - Vystupovichi
    22. Transfer from the border crossing station Peschatka - Polovtsy
    23. Transfer from the border crossing station Privalka - Raigardas
    24. Transfer from the border crossing station Tomashovka - Pulemets
    25. Transfer from the border crossing station Urbany - Silene
    26. Transfer from the border crossing station Verhniy Terebezhov - Gorodische
    27. Transfer from the border crossing station Veselovka - Senkovka

    Help articles

    1. About the company
    2. About the project
    3. FAQ
    4. Gift certificates
    5. How to fill in transfer order
    6. How to go to the office of the enterprise
    7. How to order a taxi
    8. Information about team
    9. Information about the country
    10. Information to travel agencies
    11. Minsk (National Airport)
    12. Money transfer to the Republic of Belarus
    13. Open flights - what is it
    14. Return transfer - a shop round or excursion Minsk
    15. The climate of Belarus
    16. The weather station
    17. To send a massage
    18. Visa Free Belarus
    19. We are looking for long-term selling partners in belarusian towns

    Laws of the Republic of Belarus

    1. Agreement between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation on ensuring equal rights of citizens of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence on the territory of the Union sta
    2. Agreement on the provision of medical care to citizens of states-participants in the Commonwealth of Independent States
    3. Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus On changing the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated July 24, 2018 №295
    4. Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus On the establishment of a visa-free order of entrance and departure of foreign citizens from dated January 9, 2017 №8
    5. Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus On the establishment of a visa-free procedure for entry and exit of foreign citizens dated August 7, 2019 №300
    6. Privacy policy
    7. Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus On measures to implement the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated October 14, 2019 №699