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HomeTaxis in cities of BelarusTaxi to Cherikov

    Taxi from Cherikov

    Taxi from Cherikov to the city

    Destination Distance The price for the car
    Minsk 292 km 13'140 order
    airplaneMinsk International Airport 318 km 14'310 order
    Zhlobin 137 km 5'937 order
    Vitebsk 239 km 19'917 order
    Borisov 246 km 10'660 order
    Polotsk 339 km 14'690 order
    Molodechno 368 km 13'493 order
    Baranovichi 413 km 17'897 order
    Ivatsevichi 462 km 16'940 order
    Lida 469 km 333 order
    Pinsk 500 km 21'667 order


    Cherykaw - administrative center Cherykaw district of Mogilev region on the river Sozh. The city is located 76 km from Mogilev and 272 km from Minsk near the Belarusian-Russian border. Motorways P43 (Zvenchatka - Krichev - Bobruisk - Ivatsevichi), P74 (Cherykaw - Krasnopolye - Khotimsk) and P122 (Mogilyov - Cherykaw - Kostyukovichi) are passing through the city.

    Read more about the city and its attractions you can find on

    Map Cherikov

    The sights of the city